Dnes je sobota 27.07.2024      svátek má Věroslav
Miroslav Tomanec


Vzhůru na Blaník!

Miroslav Tomanec | 02.05.2024 15:49

Václav Klaus, jako opravdu, ale opravdu správný frustrát, oslavil jeden z nejvýznamnějších dnů naší novodobé historie, tedy výročí vstupu do EU, zcela symbolicky. A ze  sobě podobnými, jako Turek, Sedláčková atd.
Na Blaníku, našem národním vrchu...Ti rytíři a tak...
No tak čekejte tam na ně dál! Uděláte pro společnost nejlépe!

Ano je to o tom nálepkování, jak píše jistá autorka jeho oslavné ódy, při této příležitosti.
Geniální ekonom, konzistentní politik, přesný prognostik... prý!
Ale copak to nejsou nálepky? 
Za mne osobně je to však na prvním místě člověk, který se velice neblaze zapsal do naší moderní historie a je naprosto, naprosto na úrovní těm dvěma podobným, i když v mnoha ohledech ještě horším ... Tedy Babišovi  a Zemanovi. Dohromady tři zdaleka největší škůdci naší současné společnosti.

A Klaus  především tím, jak 
* stvořil ODS v první dekádě jako stranu korupční, klientelistickou a mafiánskou v ukázkovém propojení politické a ekonomické moci. A když viděl, že sílí hlasy se od toho oprostit, tak zbaběle zdrhnul a dnes se zmůže akorát na to, aby na své dítě dštil síru...
* svojí velkorysou amnestií zabránil tomu, aby se všechna ta svinstva z divokých devadesátek řádně vyšetřila. I v našem městě v tomto ohledu zanechal nesmazatelný otisk. Uvědomím si to pokaždé když uvidím autobus....
* opoziční smlouvou nastartoval totální pád politické kultury v naší zemi, který trvá dodnes 
* jako správný vlastizrádce dnes nepokrytě straní Putinovi.

Václav Klaus už totiž definitivně patří do politického záhrobí a jsem toho názoru, že většina národa už si ho tam přeje mít!

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Bernard. 26.07.2024
Mezinárodní ostuda. 14.07.2024
Vlastizrádci europoslanci? 05.07.2024
Soukromá fakulta veřejné vysoké školy. 27.06.2024

Poslední komentáře

Svatopluk Beran: Mezinárodní ostuda.
Dallas: Invazi v Normandii podporovali ze vzduchu i českoslovenští piloti Dnes 5. 6., 5:00 K pobřeží Francie dorazila brzo ráno ohromná flotila plavidel, kdy válečné lodě doprovázely vyloďovací čluny. Před osmdesáti lety, 6. června 1944, se vylodili v Norm
BryanRoors: Rvačka v jihlavském Babylónu
Buenaventura Durruti,: Mezinárodní ostuda.
Svatopluk Beran: Mezinárodní ostuda.

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  • Buenaventura Durruti  | 02.05.2024 20:00  | Reagovat
    Klaus k Rusku vždy zastával konzistentní názor/postoj. Když dnes sleduju např. reakce liberálů na Klausovo přihlášení k SPD, tak mám flashbacky do devadesátek, kdy té jeho nenávistné mobilizační politice titíž lidé tleskali a tzv. nezávislá média na něj dlouhý roky pěla jen ódy. Jasně je starší a zahořklejší, ale taky je to furt ten samej Klaus.😜
  • Zdeněk Gryc  | 03.05.2024 11:24  | Reagovat
    Hitler, Stalin, Putin a užiteční s PETIČNÍM STÁNKEM před Domem zdraví v Jihlavě. ---------- Ukrajinští energetici se snaží opravit škody způsobené rostoucími ruskými vzdušnými útoky, které mají za cíl zničit ukrajinskou energetickou infrastrukturu, poškodit ekonomiku a podlomit morálku společnosti. Obávají se, že nedokáží zemi připravit na zimu, pokud spojenci Kyjevu neposkytnou systémy protivzdušné obrany, jako jsou americké Patrioty, které by pomohly zastavit další útoky Rusů na již poškozené elektrárny. ---------- Putin pohoda, děti má rád, Takže přichází na svět ve Švýcarských porodnicích Belisona a Lausagne. Jen to nejlepší je pro prosperujícího politika dosti dobré. Dům Okamura – Wikipedie Dům Okamura (House Okamura nebo také vila Tomia Okamury, přezdívaná také Takešiho hrad) je rezidence politika a podnikatele Tomia Okamury v Praze na Břevnově. náklady dosáhly 20 milionů korun. Za architektonickým návrhem netypické stavby stojí švýcarský architekt Christian Kerez, Více než polovina z oslovených stavebních firem zakázku pro její náročnost odmítla.
    • Svatopluk Beran  | 04.05.2024 07:42  | Reagovat
      Poradci ujišťují Bidena, že se to přežene, jakmile budou všichni Gazané mrtví. WASHINGTON – Vzhledem k tomu, že narůstající protesty a zatýkání v souvislosti s válkou mezi Izraelem a Hamasem ohrožovaly jeho křehkou volební koalici, poradci prezidenta Joe Bidena ho v pátek ujistili, že se to přežene, jakmile budou všichni obyvatelé Gazy mrtví. "Jen si lehněte, nechte pár tisíc dalších bomb shodit na hustě obydlené oblasti, a jste zlatý, pane prezidente," řekla seniorní poradkyně pro komunikaci Anita Dunnová a slíbila vyčerpanému Bidenovi, že během několika měsíců doufejme, že bude na obleženém palestinském území nezůstal nikdo, za koho by mohl protestovat. "Vím, že se to nyní může zdát bezútěšné, pane, ale vše, co musíte udělat, je držet kurz, který Izraeli poskytne vojenskou pomoc v miliardách, a to vše bude do listopadu s největší pravděpodobností vzdálenou vzpomínkou." Poté už jede plynule vpřed. Na co se pak budou aktivisté zlobit? Hromada sutin a masové hroby?" Dunn dále zdůraznil, že při troše štěstí brzy nezůstanou naživu ani žádní studenti protestující.
      • Svatopluk Beran  | 04.05.2024 07:47  | Reagovat
        Mezinárodní trestní soud odsuzuje výhrůžky odvetou po zprávách, že se chystá vydat zatykač na izraelské politiky a vojáky. Mezinárodní trestní soud (ICC) se ohradil proti hrozbám odvety vůči soudu a jeho zaměstnancům poté, co se už několik dní spekuluje o vydání zatykačů na izraelské představitele v souvislosti s akcemi provedenými během války v Gaze. Ačkoli ICC vydání zatykačů nepotvrdil, ministři izraelské vlády v posledních dnech veřejně hovořili o údajné hrozbě vydání mezinárodních zatykačů na jejich představitele. Podle četných zpráv v médiích se za nejpravděpodobnější obviněné považují premiér Benjamin Netanjahu, ministr obrany Yoav Gallant a náčelník generálního štábu izraelské armády Herzi Halevi. Netanjahu začátkem týdne učinil videoprohlášení, v němž odsoudil případné kroky Mezinárodního trestního soudu jako „skandál historického rozsahu“. Dodal, že takové výhrůžky by mohly představovat trestný čin podle článku 70 Římského statutu, který zakazuje bránit soudním úředníkům ve výkonu jejich povinností nebo je zastrašovat tím, že je nutí nebo se je snaží přesvědčit, aby své povinnosti nevykonávali. „Úřad trvá na tom, aby veškeré pokusy o bránění, zastrašování nebo nevhodné ovlivňování jeho úředníků okamžitě ustaly.“ Mezinárodní trestní soud byl zřízen v roce 2002 za účelem stíhání osob obviněných z válečných zločinů, zločinů proti lidskosti a genocidy. Později se mezi tyto zločiny zařadil i zločin agrese. Stranou Římského statutu, smlouvy, kterou byl soud zřízen, je 124 členských států. Podle zásady komplementarity působí Mezinárodní trestní soud jako soud poslední instance v případech, kdy členské státy nejsou ochotny nebo schopny soudit ohavné zločiny samy. Může stíhat státní příslušníky členských států i jednotlivce, kteří spáchali trestné činy na území členských států. Má rovněž pravomoc rozhodovat o případech, které mu byly postoupeny na základě rezoluce Rady bezpečnosti OSN. Izrael není členem Mezinárodního trestního soudu. Protože však bylo v roce 2015 uděleno členství státu Palestina, může soud vyšetřovat izraelské osoby za zločiny spáchané na okupovaných palestinských územích, která zahrnují Gazu, okupovaný Západní břeh Jordánu a východní Jeruzalém. Mezinárodní trestní soud vyšetřuje válku v Gaze V roce 2021 zahájil Mezinárodní trestní soud oficiální vyšetřování obvinění z válečných zločinů a zločinů proti lidskosti spáchaných v okupované Palestině od června 2014.
        • Svatopluk Beran  | 04.05.2024 07:51  | Reagovat
          Naprosto absurdní stav českých médií: zcenzuroval článek z Guardianu. Stav novinařiny v České republice je šokující. zcenzuroval odkaz na článek renomovaného globálního komentátora Mehdiho Hasana, který vyšel v deníku Guardian. Britské listy přinesly jeho shrnutí: Seznam Diskuze Dobrý den, smazali jsme Vám příspěvek: Publikovaný dne 2. 5. 2024, 22:07. Důvody závadnosti příspěvku:
          • Svatopluk Beran  | 04.05.2024 07:54  | Reagovat
            Zachrání (američtí) mladí lidé demonstracemi tento svět? Spojenými státy otřásají studentské demonstrace protestující proti izraelskému vraždění v Gaze. Studenti požadují, aby se americké univerzity zbavily svých investic v Izraeli, především do zbrojařských podniků. Nechtějí, aby jejich školné a daně, které platí jejich rodiče, financovaly zabíjení dětí a civilistů. Může tato vlna protestů, která vzniká i v Evropě, způsobit podstatnější politické změny?
    • Svatopluk Beran  | 04.05.2024 08:00  | Reagovat
      AMEERICKÁ OBCHODNÍ PROXI VÁLKA V EVROPĚ NA UKRAJINĚ, PŘES UKRAJINSKÉ NACIONALISTY S RUSKEM. UŽ SI ŽIJE SVÝM ODPOREM ROZUMNÝCH UKRAJINCŮ PROTI TĚM AMERICKO NACISTICKÝM. "Já se vracet nebudu." Kyjevu došla trpělivost s Ukrajinci v cizině, nervozita stoupá. reklama Agentura OSN pro uprchlíky odhaduje, že ze své země uprchlo více než 6,4 milionu Ukrajinců, z nichž mnozí odešli do zemí Evropské unie. Podle statistické agentury EU pak 20,6 procent z odhadovaných 4,3 milionu Ukrajinců, kteří v současné době žijí na jejím území, tvoří muži. Podle Rádia Svobodná Evropa plánuje Ukrajina kontrolovat, zda mají k pobytu v zahraničí legitimní důvod.
      • Svatopluk Beran  | 04.05.2024 08:06  | Reagovat
        • Svatopluk Beran  | 04.05.2024 08:30  | Reagovat
    • Svatopluk Beran  | 04.05.2024 22:24  | Reagovat
      Nástup totality v USA. 3. 5. 2024 / Milan Kohout Co se děje u nás v Americe, je pro mě naprosto neuvěřitelné. Amerika se řítí do naprosté totality, kontrolující svobodu slova až do morku kostí. Americký systém je v mnohém velmi krutý a asociální a nahrává lidem vlastnícím peníze, které jim pak vytváří další peníze. Jak tady říkáme: je to systém vytvořený bohatými lidmi pro bohaté lidi. Ale alespoň jsem vždy na našem systému hodnotil princip svobody slova, který dává vždy v historii této země možnost obyčejným vrstvám obyvatel alespoň trochu zmírňovat dopady nesmírného sobectví vládnoucí ekonomické třídy. Co ale včera proběhlo bez problému při hlasování v Kongresu, je doslova úděsné. Jakýmsi způsobem se podařilo pár zákonodárcům propašovat kolem bariéry prvního dodatku k ústavě návrh zákona o takzvaném “antisemitismu” a možnosti použít tento zákon proti soukromým osobám a i proti organizacím atd. a označit je jako osoby diskriminující příslušníky judaistického náboženství (což nelze uplatnit proti jiným náboženstvím), vyhazovat je ze zaměstnání a ničit jejich kariéry. e to naprostý zákonný paskvil, který byl sepsán horkou jehlou, jako reakce na studentské bouře na univerzitách, ale získal většinu hlasů poslanců. Rychlostí blesku pak půjde do senátu a ten z největší pravděpodobností, byvši hojně podplacen, tento paskvil uzákoní. To bude další obrovský krok k totalitnímu systému. Když si však vzpomenu na totalitní systém, ve kterém jsem žil v Československu, tak svým americkým kolegům z akademie a uměleckých kruhů připomínám, že nám onen systém jako smluvní protihodnotu za držení huby alespoň dával zdarma zdravotnictví, bezplatné školství, laciné nájemné ve státních bytech po statisících vládou postavenými a nezatíženými otrockými hypotékami atd. atd. U nás se však řítíme do systému kombinujícího oba špatné konce. A vtipně spojené konce vytváří dokonalou oprátku, ze které není pak úniku. Zde je zpráva o zákonu:
      • Svatopluk Beran  | 05.06.2024 20:15  | Reagovat
  • Buenaventura Durruti  | 05.05.2024 08:51  | Reagovat
    „Autoritářský systém, ve kterém žijeme, má prospěch drobná menšina – všemocná elita, která obscénně bohatne, zatímco miliardy lidí jsou ošizováni o realizaci svého skutečného potenciálu. Ale systém je prohnilý. Je zralý na kolaps. Je povinností každého revolucionáře - každého z nás - uspíšit, že collapse...It není zločin bojovat proti bezpráví... Systém nás podmínil - zhypnotizoval téměř všechny, abychom přijali, že život musí být takový, jaký je. Jsme zhypnotizováni, abychom věřili, že válka je přirozená - hlad je přirozený - zločin je přirozený... ale nejsou. Jsou to produkty systému a jeho všepohlcující chamtivosti! Lidé se stali roboti - zombie - příliš zaneprázdnění bojováním o každodenní existenci, než aby viděli, že jsou skutečně oběti. Je na nás, abychom jim otevřeli oči. Od kolébky do hrobu, učíme se - indoktrinovaní! - že štěstí závisí na tom, že vždy dostane víc. Koupit - vyhodit - kupovat víc! Nezáleží na tom, jestli cestou zničíme planetu! Politici říkají, že dokážou vyřešit problémy světa. Jen jim dej víc síly. Náboženství říkají, dělejte více toho, co si objednávají, a budete šťastní - ale až po smrti! Tisíce let dávají stejné prázdné sliby a my, lidé - ovce - jsme naslouchali. Ale je čas se probudit a přivonět ke kávě - dny vnější autority a síly podporované silou jsou sečteny... tak je nastaven systém! Falešná demokracie, která působí jako zástěrka pro ambice elity... Nemusí to tak být. Můžeme to změnit! " Batmanové kroniky, Alan Grant 🖤🖤❤️❤️
  • CharlesteKaw  | 28.06.2024 14:33  | Reagovat
    Tgra Blood Test Could Predict Risk of Leukemia Years in Advance Illustration of the early solar disk, with an inset image of a blue hibonite crystal, one of the first minerals to form in the Solar System. copy Field Museum, University of C nike dunks low hicago, NASA, ESA, and E. Feild (STScl).Our Sun rsquo s beginnings are a mystery. It burst into being 4.6 billion years ago, about 50 million years before the Earth formed. Since the Sun is older than the adidas campus donna Earth, it rsquo s hard to find physical objects that were around in the Sun rsquo s earliest days mdash materials that bear chemical records o uggs hausschuhe f the early Sun. But in a new study in Nature Astronomy, ancient blue crystals trapped in meteorites reveal what the early Sun was like. And apparently, it had a pretty rowdy start. ldquo The Sun was very active in its early life mdash it had more eruptions and gave off a more intense stream of charged particles. I think of my son, he rsquo s three, he rsquo s very active too, rdquo says Philipp Heck, a curator at the Field Museum, professor at the University of Chicago, Fpkw The Aftershock PRISM+ X490 is a 49-inch 144Hz display for gamers and creators Sony Announces Two Superzoom Cameras and Four Compacts for the Asia Pacific MarketIt's the first day of the CP+ Camera and Photo Imaging Show 2014 and there's a flurry of camera announcements. Among these are four Sony compacts and two superzoom cameras, that are slated to hit the Asia Pacific markets within the next two months.SonyCyber-shot HX400VThe Cyber-shot HX400V features a long-reaching 50x optical zoom in a DSLR-style body. The Optical SteadySho nike air max plus t and Intelligent Active mode features help with keeping full HD videos sharp. The camera also comes withZEISS Vario-Sonnar T* lens, 20.4 megapixelsback-illuminated Exmor R CMOS sensor and a new balance sneaker BIONZ X processor that rsquo s 3x more p yeezys owerful than its predecessor. PASM modes allow for manual control and the 201k-dot electronic viewfinder offers an alternative framing method besides the 7.5cm 921k-dot tilting LCD display.The camera has built-in Wi-Fi and NFC in terms of connectivity which allows you to not only transfer images wirelessly to
  • CharlesteKaw  | 30.06.2024 02:12  | Reagovat
    Ppog Nanotechnology Enables 3D Visualization of Crucial RNA Structures at Near-Atomic Resolution Life restoration of Lystrosaurus in a state of torpor. Credit: Crystal ShinResearchers discover Fossil evidence of lsquo hibernation-like rsquo state in tusks of 250-million-year-old Antarctic an stanley cup tumbler imal.Among the many winter survival strategies in the animal world, hibernation is one of the most common. With limited food and energy sources during winters mdash especially in areas close to or within polar regions mdash many animals hibernate to survive the cold, dark winters. Though much is known behaviorally on animal hibernation, it is difficul stanley t to study in fossils.According to new research, this type of adaptation has a long history. In a paper pub stanley lished on August 27, 2020, in the journal Communications Biology, scientists at Harvard University and the University of Washington report evidence of a hibernation-like state in an animal that lived in Antarctica during the Early Triassic, some 250 million years ago. The creature, a member of the genus Lystrosaurus, was a distant relat Jhac TomTom Touch Cardio officially launches in Singapore Apple disconti yeezy schuh nues the iPhone 13 mini with the launch of iPhone 15Apple quietly discontinued the iPhone 13 mini with the launch of the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro models.With the iPhone 13 mini removed, the Apple iPhone lineup now comprises the iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 14, iPhone 13 and the iPhone SE (2022).The writing was on the wall for the mini-sized flagship iPhone. The Cupertino company introd airmaxplus uced the first mini model in 2020 with the iPhone 12 mini.Months after its launch, Consumer Intelligence Research Partners released a report claiming that the iPhone 12 mini accounted for only 6% of sales between October 2020 and November 2020.Apple followed up with the iPhone 13 mini in 2021 despite the poor sales of the iPhone 12 mini.However, the company did not refresh the iPhone 13 mini last year when it launched the iPhone 14 series. After that, the iPhone 13 mini retail prices were dropped across all storage options.Wha chuck allstars t options do consumers have now If you prefer a compact-si
  • CharlesteKaw  | 01.07.2024 02:33  | Reagovat
    Vrxl Devialet s Phantom Reactor now comes in Matte black Artist rsquo s impression of a Squalicorax shark. Credit: Dimitri Bogdanov stanley italia Scientists have discovered an unexplained cache of fossilized shark teeth in an area where there should be none mdash in a 2,900-year-old site in the City of David in Jerusalem. This is at least 80 km (50 miles) from where these fossils would be expected to be found. There is no conclusive proof of why the cache was assembled, but it may be that the 80 million-year-old teeth were part of a collection, dating from just after the death of King Solomon. nike dunk high The same team has now unearthed similar unexplained finds in other parts of ancient Judea.Presenting the work adidas campus 80 at the Goldschmidt Conference, lead researcher, Dr. Thomas Tuetken (University of Mainz, Institute of Geosciences) said: ldquo These fossils are not in their original setting, so they have been moved. They were probably valuable to someone we just don rsquo t know why, or why similar items have been found in more than one place in Israel. rdquo The teeth Tcer Blowing Up the Universe BICEP3 Tightens the Bounds on Cosmic Inflation Google bites back at Epic saying it s only after quot tremendous monetary gain and wealth quot After months of watching Epic Game nike 95 s and Apple duke it out from the sidelines, Google has apparently grown tired of the former 39 s attempts to take it to court and finally taken up a fighting stance - one that is actually quite similar to what its fello asics outlets w tech giant has been doing.Specifically, it is countersuing Epic over its attempt to secure quot tremendous monetary gain and wealth quot via Project Liberty - the umbrella term for Epic 39 s entire anti-monopoly crusade.In simpler terms, Google is calling the latter out as it sees it. Under the guise of promoting a healthier environment for app developers languishing under Apple and Google 39 s thumbs, Epic tried to cut both converse tech giants out of their own financial equations by sneaking its own third-party payment avenue into Fortnite. It then rolled out various PR stunts, such as the now-infamous Fortnite 1984 campaign in an attempt
  • CharlesteKaw  | 01.07.2024 16:42  | Reagovat
    Wndk All Nokia 6 units for its first flash sale sold out in one minute A black hole including the heartbeat signal observed in 2007 and 2018. Credit: Dr Chichuan Jin, of the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences and NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image LabThe first confirmed heartbeat of a supermassive black hole is still going strong more than ten years after first being observed.X-ray satellite observations spotted the repeated beat after its signal had been blocked by our Sun for a number of years.Astronomers say this is the most long-lived heartbeat ever seen in a black hole and te adidas samba homme lls us more about the size and structure close to its event horizon mdash the space around a black hole from which nothing, including light, can escape. The research, by the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, and Du dunk nike store rham University, UK, appears in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Model for the Quasi-Periodic Oscillations (QPO) mdash or lsquo heartbeat rsquo ciabatte yeezy mdas Ysfy Canonical launches Ubuntu Frame, the foundation for embedded displays Polycom Studio is an easy-to-deploy video bar that works seamlessly with a host of collaboration platformsThe Polycom Studio is a vi yeezy schuh deo conferencing device for small meeting rooms or ldquo huddle rooms rdquo . It rsquo s easy to deploy and manage at an enterprise level. The device is 700mm long, 70mm wide, and 105mm tall it resembles a sound bar that has been sliced in half, length-wise.That rsquo s where the similarities end the Polycom Studio has a front-facing camera that supports UHD 2160p video capture with a 120-degree field of view, and 5x digital zoom. Its video capture capabilities include auto group framing for wide shots, as well as zooming in on the particular speaker in the group.I chucks plateau ts microphone array, mounted on top of the camera, is able to make use of intelligent features like Polycom Acoustic Fence and NoiseBlock to mute ldquo distracting back adidas samba adidas ground noises and other unwanted sounds. rdquo The Polycom Studio is portable only from room to room as it still needs to dr
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    Mbwp Paris Jackson Blasts Family Members Who Think She s About to Die adidas campus femme The 11 Best Etsy Sales To Shop During Small Business SaturdaySupport small stanleycup businesses this Saturday by shopping these unique shops on Etsy. By Kristine Fellizar Nov 27, 2021 1:00 PMTagsLife/StyleHomeShoppingBlack Friday / Cyber MondayE! Insider ShopShop HomeTomDesign on EtsyWe independently selected these deals and products because we love them, and we think you might like them at these prices. E! has affiliate relationships, so we may get a commission if you purchase something through our links. Items are sold by the retailer, not E!.Happy Small Business Saturday! Every Saturday after Thanksgiving were encouraged to shop small and support small businesses around the country. In addition to shopping businesses聽around your community, you can support small businesses online as well. Etsy聽is a great place to do so.聽Whether youre stanley brand looking for unique Christmas decor聽or fun pop culture finds, Etsy has something for everyone. If you want to聽find gifts that your loved on Llyf Keeping Up With All the Celeb Livestreams: Watch Justin Timberlake, Pink and More April 6-12 chucks plateau ugg ultra mini stanley quencher
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  • CharlesteKaw  | 06.07.2024 03:21  | Reagovat
    Qpop Inside Dannielynn Birkhead s Normal World鈥擱ollercoasters, Snapchat and Remembering Anna NicoIe Smith Heres What Jill Zarin Would Say to Bethenny Frankel If They Saw Each Other TodayFormer Real Housewives of New York City star contemplates what running into her foe now would be likeBy Samantha Schnurr Jun 15, 2017 12:56 PMTagsFeudsThe Real Housewives Of New York CityBethenny FrankelJill ZarinFacebook Instant ArticlesADRIEL REBOH/Patrick McMullan via Getty ImagesIts been so long, Jill Zarin cant even remember why she and Bethenny Frankel have cut each other out of their lives.聽The聽Real Housewives of聽New聽York City聽foes were embroiled in a feud so deep, they have not spoken since, but turns out鈥擹arin cant even reme [url=]adidas campus adv[/url] mber why the fight started in the first place. During an appearance on聽Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen, she was asked to contemplate what she would say to her former [url=]stanley tazas[/url] friend if they saw each other again today. Drumroll please! I think I would say, I dont even remember what it was about, Zarin admitted candidly. [url=]adidas sambarose[/url] I Fcqv Outsourcing security In Rawalpindi, traders told to hire private guards [url=]ugg boots tasmania[/url] [url=]nike dunk donna[/url] [url=]chucks converse[/url]
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    Iyhz Ten year old boy wins Alaska s contest for giant cabbages Why Mi [url=]nike dunk low[/url] ley Cyrus Fans Think These Plas [url=]yeezy 700[/url] tic Hearts Songs Are About Liam HemsworthMiley Cyrus fans have decoded the lyrics to the songs off of her new Plastic Hearts album. Scroll on to find out why the tracks could be about her ex, Liam Hemsworth.By Jess Cohen Nov 27, 2020 3:40 PMTagsMusicMiley CyrusLiam HemsworthCelebritiesWatch: Liam Hemsworth Files for Divorce From Miley CyrusMiley Cyrus is asking [url=]yeezys[/url] , WTF Do I Know After dropping her new album, Plastic Hearts, at midnight on Friday, Nov. 27,聽fans聽of the superstar singer have been decoding the lyrics to each track, including a few that appear to reference her former marriage to Liam Hemsworth.聽On the first track of the album, WTF Do I Know, the 28-year-old sings, Im the type to drive a pickup鈦焧hrough鈦焬our鈦焟ansion / Im completely naked鈦焍ut Im making鈦焛t fashion / Maybe gettin married just to cause a distraction / Here to tell you somethin that you dont know. As fans may r Safk Lamar Odom Parties at Strip Club Amid Reports He Drunkenly Vomited on a Plane e transferred over charges of irregular admissions following an enquiry conducted by the Higher Education Department鈥檚 (HED) provincial chapter.The chief minister鈥檚 complaint cell had reportedly received [url=]ugg ultra mini[/url] complaints against irregular admissions on sports seats where merit had allegedly been overlooked and deserving students not admitted in 2013.HED officials said an enquiry panel proved the charges against GCP鈥檚 principal Dr Alamzeb which is why he was tr [url=]ugg mini[/url] ansferr [url=]chucks converse[/url] ed. The officials, however, refused
  • CharlesteKaw  | 07.07.2024 13:29  | Reagovat
    Nkpo With help from Pakistan, Chinese cricket on the rise Jake Gyllenhaal Reacts to @JakeActivities Twitter AccountJake Gyllenhaal laughs with Conan OBrien about being parodied on social mediaBy Zach Johnson Sep 22, 2017 12:55 PMTagsLOLJake GyllenhaalTwitterViralCelebritiesFacebook Instant ArticlesConanJake Gyllenhaal isnt keen on social media.In an era where social media followers are currency in Hollywood, Gyllenhaal has eschewed self-promotion via Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter. While promoting Stronger on TBS Conan Thursday, the 36-year-old actor said hes a few steps away from being a Luddite. What does that m [url=]adidas samba adidas[/url] ean, exactly Like, [url=]adidas campus uomo[/url] Im a drag and drop kind of guy. I dont know shortcut commands. I dont command whatever to get the thing. Like, I just take my mouse and drag it over. And my friends are generally embarrassed. Theyre like, Control + V pastes it! Im going up to Edi [url=]adidas yeezy[/url] t, then Im going to highlight it, a Rvtc Kim Kardashian Shades Lindsay Lohan s Foreign Accent Over Braids Comment accordance with aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir, the country鈥檚 ambassador to the [url=]stanley[/url] United States Jalil Abbas Jilani said. He was speaking at [url=]dunks nike low[/url] a special event, organised at the Pakistan Embassy on the occasion of the Kashmir Solidarity Day. The event was attended by a large cross-section of the Pakistani and Kashmiri diaspora in Washington. Ambassador Jilan [url=]asics schuhe[/url] i reaffirmed Pakistan鈥檚 firm support to the people of Kashmir in their just struggle for seeking their right to self-determinatio
  • CharlesteKaw  | 08.07.2024 01:55  | Reagovat
    Ocwv You ll Bend the Knee to Maisie Williams After Hearing Her Sing Let It Go in This Super Bowl Commercial Nicki Minaj Talks Cardi B Beef Rumors, Meek Mill, Drake and New SinglesRapper appeared on Zane Lowes Beats 1 show on Apple MusicBy Corinne Heller Apr 12, 2018 [url=]adidas campus beige[/url] 6:55 PMTagsMusicFeudsDrakeNicki MinajMeek MillCardi BInstagramNicki Minaj聽is back and is looking for genuine love from her colleagues.On Thursday, the rapper released two new singles, Barbie Tingz and Chun-Li and talked about a rumored feud with Cardi B, her relationships with Meek Mill and聽Drake and her new聽music in a rare interview with Zane Lowe on Apples Beats 1 Radio.The songs follow her and Cardi Bs collaboration with Migos聽o [url=]adidas campus blau[/url] n the rap groups single MotorSport. Cardi is engaged to trio member聽Offset and is pregnant with their first child together. Amid聽the release of MotorSport were rumors of a feud between Nicki and Cardi.After MotorSport was released, Nicki took to Twitter to say that聽whe [url=]stanley bottles[/url] n she first received the track, only Migo Bymg Messi tells Barca to seize chance of redemption irst Single Point Mooring (SPM) facility in the country, have signed an agreement with MERKE of Turkey for coverage of Tier 3 oil spill eventuality. BTPL and CRL after the agreement have become the first oil installation facilities in Pakistan to have acquired membership of an international oil spill response organisation. Byco鈥檚 SPM facility has [url=]dunk nike low[/url] a capacity of 100,000 deadweight tonnage (DWT) with 28-inch, 14-kilometre pipeline that connects it [url=]dunk low[/url] to the [url=]yeezy foam[/url] onshore Byco oil refining complexes.Publishe
  • CharlesteKaw  | 08.07.2024 09:59  | Reagovat
    Ruar Dancing With the Stars Britt Stewart and Daniel Durant Are Engaged: See Her Ring Why Jennifer Coolidge Insists They Make Legally Blonde 3 ASAPAs the [url=]adidas campus blau[/url] highly-anticipated third installment of Legally Blonde continues to be pushed back, Jennifer Coolidge is hoping to speed up to process so she can move on from one very iconic moment. By Ashley Joy Parker Aug 02, 2022 10:34 PMTagsMoviesCelebritiesWatch: Jennifer Coolidge Talks Legally Blonde 3 at [url=]adidas samba adidas[/url] 2021 EmmysJennifer Coolidge wants something besides a hot dog real bad.While actress said shes excited by the idea of reprising her iconic role of Paulette Bonafont茅 in a third Legally Blonde film, she admitted that, most of all, shes hoping to move on her famous 4th of July moment from Legally Blonde 2. I get thousands and thousands of texts and videos of people doing the 4th of July thing, she shared during an appearance on SiriusXMs The Jess Cagle Show. Men, women, these TikTokers and lots of drag queens send [url=]stanley cups[/url] me these funny videos and do these weird things with the v Mbfv We Found the 24 Best Travel Deals From Amazon s Big Spring Sale 2024: 57% off Luggage amp; More in Lahore with the team management declaring preparations 鈥榦n track鈥?Pakistan are in a must-win situation as only securing the Asia Cup title will ensure their qualification for next year鈥檚 World Cup in the Netherlands.The greenshirts missed the opportunity of cementing their berth after finishing seventh at the Hockey World League.However, the team is upbeat and worked extensively in the first phase of the camp that started last month. The team had bene [url=]stanley deutschland[/url] ficial sessions in the first phase, national team鈥檚 coach Tahir Zaman told The Express Tribune. Attack, defence and f [url=]stanley cup website[/url] itness remained our main focus. As per my assessment, the players are improving and we are hopeful [url=]converse[/url] of an improved performance from them. The ratio of missing goal-scoring opportunities is also expected to decrease as we have worked a lot on it. Zaman said the team is desperate to win the Asia Cup title. Everybody knows how important this tournament is for us. Each and every player is focused and is working very hard. We
  • CharlesteKaw  | 09.07.2024 19:23  | Reagovat
    Gyhx Smartphone Android gains in US, basic phones extinct All the Signs Kaitlyn Bristowe and Shawn Booth Were Headed for a SplitFrom their busy work schedules to the lack of wedding plans, the warnings were thereBy Cydney Contreras Nov 02, 2018 8:24 PMTagsBreakupsControversyThe BachelorThe BacheloretteCouplesMichael Loccisano/Getty ImagesThe signs were written on the wall.Unlike most Bachelor Nation couples,聽Shawn Booth and聽Kaitlyn Bristowe were going strong for many years. They made it past the rough first year of post-Bachelorette fame and surpassed the typical obstacles couples face as they move in together, etc. But there were the [url=]stanley vasos[/url] small things that placed some doubt in the longevity [url=]stanley cup[/url] of their relationship, like their apprehension to set a wedding date.This year, the pair celebrated their third anniversary, but, at the time, even Kaitlyn said sh [url=]adidas campus 00[/url] e didnt know for certain if a wedding was in their future. We dont even know where we see ourselves next week, Kaitlyn explained to E! News exclusively. We just hope we Jfet Fires In Magalla Hills CDA to lodge cases against saboteurs [url=]adidas samba og[/url] ha Mehmood on Thursday expr [url=]converse schuhen[/url] essed concern over issuance of computerised national identity cards (CNIC) illegally to aliens in the country. He said that many people were reportedly registered and given the identity of Pakistan by violating rules and regulations [url=]nb[/url] which has created law and order situation in the country. He also took notice of absence of the ministry official and non-compliance of the committee鈥檚 directive.聽 Director general FIA told the committee that certain people received nationa
  • CharlesteKaw  | 10.07.2024 13:59  | Reagovat
    Czif You ve Never Used Lip Balm Like This Before Heather Rae El Moussa Is Pregnant, Expecting First Baby With Husband TarekHeather Rae El Moussa announced she and Tarek El Moussa are expecting their first child together. Baby El Moussa coming early 2023!! the Selling Sunset star shared.By Alyssa Morin Jul 13, 2022 6:16 PMTagsBabiesCelebrity FamiliesPregnanciesCouplesCelebritiesTarek El MoussaSelling SunsetHeather Rae El Mou [url=]stanley flaschen[/url] ssaWatch: Heather Rae El Moussa Is PREGNANT, Expecting With Tarek El MoussaHeather Rae El Moussa and聽Tarek El Moussa聽are flipping out [url=]yeezy slide[/url] over their family news.The聽Selling Sunset聽cast member, who recently received a 2022 Emmy nomination聽for the reality series, has a lot more celebrating to do. Heather announced that she is pregnant and expecting聽her first child with the聽Flip or Flop聽star, which comes less than a year after she聽opened up about her journey to have a baby. Surprise!!! the Netflix reality TV personalit [url=]adidas schuhe campus[/url] y captioned her Instagram on July 13. Baby El Moussa coming early 2023!!&quo Fpju Khloe Kardashian Leaves Little to the Imagination in Chainmail Dress at 2021 People s Choice Awards e surrounding the realm of the special court鈥檚 authority in the high treason trial of General (retd) Pervez Musharraf was hotly contested by both the defence and prosecution teams on Wednesday 鈥?and the bench has reserved judgment on the matter of its jurisdiction.Simply put, the court needs to decide whether it can try Musharraf, and if it can issue arrest warrants for him.The verdict on the matte [url=]stanley bottiglie[/url] r is of obvious consequence.In the sixth hearing of the high treason case, the defence argued adamantly that the special court does not have the jurisdiction to issue arrest orders as entailed in the criminal proc [url=]asic schuh[/url] edure code, and also that the case should be shifted to a military court.The prosecution, on the [url=]nike dunks panda[/url] other hand, argued that under the 1976 criminal law amendment (special court) act, Musharraf can be arrested and brought before the court if he defies summons 鈥?something that is essential for this case to move forward.The sticking point, as was admitted by the special court, is that ther
  • CharlesteKaw  | 11.07.2024 03:33  | Reagovat
    Tmqq Bloomsbury USA President Adrienne Vaughan Killed During Boating Accident in Italy s Amalfi Coast Inside Khloe Kardashians Quietly Momentous PregnancyNow that her expectant status is Instagram-official, a look at why the normally very not-shy member of the family has kept this one close to the vestBy Natalie Finn Dec 20, 2017 11:31 PMTagsPregnanciesKardashiansFeaturesFeaturedKhloe KardashianTristan ThompsonKhloe Kardashian is officially having the best year of her life. Until next year, that is.In 2018, the E! star and member of one of the most famous families around will be branching off to start a family of her own. Khloe [url=]stanley cup[/url] has confirmed that she is pregnant with her and boyfriend Tristan Thompsons first child together, taking to Instagram to share a p [url=]stanley products[/url] hoto of her bare, till now just speculated-upon baby bump.While the exciting news hasnt exactly bee [url=]adidas campus 00[/url] n kept under wraps鈥?Khloe is so happy, you have no idea, a source told us in September鈥攖he聽usually聽more demonstrative fam has been noticeably quieter聽this year, particularly when it comes to any and all bless Yndn The Best Skin-Plumping Products Under $50 Thursday, disconnecting illegal connections to some ministers鈥?offices on the first day.The crackdown was a part of the federal government鈥檚 countrywide drive against power theft.The FIA task force, led by Deputy Director Babar Khan, first raided Gilgit-Baltistan (G-B) Education Directorate and cut off illegal connections going to the offices of Education Minister Ali Madad Sher, director colleges and director education.Sher left his o [url=]converse schuhe[/url] ffice soon after as the operation was conducted in the presence of the public and media.According to an official on duty, the illegal connections supported at least 11 air conditioners in the offices.The team then went to the Public Works Department (PWD) office and severed illegal c [url=]stanleycup[/url] onnections to the off [url=]stanley thermos[/url] ices of G-B Finance Minister Mohammad Ali Akhtar, chief engineer Muhammad Shafie, secretary finance, secretary works and secretary water and power. At least six ACs installed in these offices were being run on illegal power supply.According to unofficial s
  • CharlesteKaw  | 12.07.2024 03:53  | Reagovat
    Mmje The Truth About Matt Damon and Ben Affleck s Winning Friendship Zoey 102 Will Reunite Jamie Lynn Spears With Her Zoey 101 ClassmatesJamie Lynn Spears and more of her Zoey 101 castmates are returning for Zoey 102, a Paramount+ TV movie that follows up the Nickelodeon sitcom.By JD Knapp Jan 12, 2023 9:00 PMTagsTVJamie Lynn SpearsCelebritiesNickelodeonWatch: FIRST [url=]yeezys[/url] LOOK at New Zoey 101 Original Movie: Zoey 102Are you ready Eightee [url=]tenis yeezys[/url] n years after its predecessors debut, Nickelodeon has officially announced Zoey 102, a TV movie follow-up to the classic 2000s sitcom, Zoey 101.Original series stars Jamie Lynn Spears, Erin Sanders, Sean Flynn, Matthew Underwood, Christopher Massey, Abby Wilde and Jack Salvatore are attached to the Paramount+ project, which is currently in prod [url=]stanley online shop[/url] uction in North Carolina.According to the Jan. 12 announcement, the former Pacific Coast Academy classmates will be reuniting for an unspecified wedding set in the present day. Im beyond thrilled to be back alongside my PCA family and continue the story of Zoey and all t Yabj Zooey Deschanel Proves Her Doubters Wrong in Unrecognizable Photo Without Bangs extensive use of helicopters and business jets by political parties like BJP and Congress for electioneering 鈥?dubbed the most expensive in the country鈥檚 history.Industry sources said the parties and individual politicos are roughly spending Rs3.5-4 billion to travel across the country in chartered planes during campaign for the world鈥檚 biggest democratic exercise, The Pioneer newspaper reported on Tuesday.So far the BJP鈥檚 prime ministeri [url=]dunk nike low[/url] al candidate Narendra Modi has clocked maximum number of flying hours to campaign for the pa [url=]dunk panda[/url] rty followed by Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi, experts in the industry said.The operators usually charge Rs70,000 to Rs75,000 per flying hour for a four-seat single engine chopper, while business jets cost Rs250,000 to R300,000 per hour, but these rates have increased significantly due to the surge in demand.Secretary of Business Aircraft Operators Association R K Bali said the sector was wi [url=]nike dunk[/url] tnessing negative growth of 2 per cent in the last two years, but
  • CharlesteKaw  | 12.07.2024 18:02  | Reagovat
    Sclo Ryan Reynolds Jokes He s Mostly Drinking While Social Distancing With Blake Lively and the Kids Team USAs 2022 Olympics Closing Ceremony Outfits Are Here: See the Ralph Lauren DesignsRalph Lauren unveiled new outfits for Team USA that are designed with integrity and purpose. See puffer jackets, fleece leggings and more pieces the athletes will be wearing.By Mike Vulpo Oct 28, 2021 6:41 PMTagsFashion 2024SportsLife/StyleOl [url=]tenis yeezys[/url] ympicsCelebritiesE! Insider ShopCelebrity ShoppingWatch: 2020 Tokyo Olympics Closing Ceremony: Must-See MomentsWe independently selected these products because we lo [url=]dunk femme[/url] ve them, and we hope you do too. Shop with E! has affiliate relationships, so we may get a commission if you purchase something through our links. Items are sold by the retailer, not E!.Ralph Lauren is about to make every Olympic athlete look and feel like a winner.On Thursday, Oct. 28, the global leader in design unveiled the Team USA Closing Ceremony para [url=]adidas campus beige[/url] de uniforms for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Games.Athletes will step out in Beijing wearing a buffalo plaid hooded puffer jacket, a bea Vdqg Vote fraud claims PTI files for re-poll in Mianwali day, killing at least five people and injuri [url=]new balances 530[/url] ng over 50 others.The firs [url=]yeezys[/url] t blast took place [url=]dunk low[/url] outside a paan shop in a crowded area. Minutes later, the second blast, yards away from the first, took place outside a restaurant. Both the blasts were almost of the same intensity.Initial reports claimed the blasts were caused by improvised explosive devices (IED). However, officials did not say whether these were timed devices聽 or detonated by remote control.Around 10 shops along with聽 nearby vehicles were damaged in the twin blasts.The blasts occured in a largely Shia populated area, forcing residents to take to the streets. This made it difficult for the police and paramilitary Rangers to cordon off the area.The injured were taken to different hospitals including the Abbasi Shaeed Hospital. Speaking to The Express Tribune, DSP Shahid Abbas said they were still trying to confirm the casualties as the victims were taken to different hospitals. The miscreants took advantage of the security forces
  • CharlesteKaw  | 14.07.2024 05:43  | Reagovat
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  • CharlesteKaw  | 15.07.2024 03:22  | Reagovat
    Rjgi John Tate, 94 But who checks the checker Greg Morrisett, Allen B. Cutting Professor of Computer Science, helped develop a rigorous, machine-checked proof for application security. File photo by Rose Lincoln/Harvard Staff PhotographerScience TechNaCl to give way to RockSaltMureji Fatunde & 8217;12SEAS [url=]yeezy[/url] CommunicationsJuly 20, 20125 min readHarvard scientists develop a tool to improve software fault isolationA team led by Harvard computer scientists, including two undergraduate students, has developed a new tool that c [url=]adidas samba damen[/url] ould lead to increased security and enhanced performance for commonly used Web and mobile applications.Called RockSalt, the clever bit of code can verify that native computer programming languages comply with a part [url=]stanley cup becher[/url] icular security policy.Presented at the June ACM Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation PLDI in Beijing, RockSalt was created by Greg Morrisett, Allen B. Cutting Professor of Computer Science at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Science Zawv Hyman to lead Society for Neuroscience Congress has been locked in a death spiral for months, but instead of trying to do anything productive, seven House Republicans are focused on a ploy to rename Washington s most inconvenient ai [url=]adidas campus beige[/url] rport after Donald Trump.The bill was introduced Friday by Rep. Guy Reschenthaler R-Pa. , and six cosponsors, and seeks to strip Washington Dulles Inte [url=]stanley cups[/url] rnati [url=]new balance 990[/url] onal Airport of its namesake 鈥?Cold War-era Secretary of State John Foster Dulles 鈥?and rechristen it Donald J. Trump International Airport. In my lifetime, our nation has never been greater than under the leadership of President Donald J. Trump, Reschenthaler told Fox News Digital. There is no better symbol of freedom, prosperity and strength than hearing Welcome to Trump International Airport as they land on American soil. Reschenthaler s cosponsors include Reps. Andy Ogles R-Tenn. , Troy Nehls R-Texas , Paul Gosar R-Ariz. , Chuck Fleischmann R-Tenn. , Bar
  • CharlesteKaw  | 15.07.2024 16:32  | Reagovat
    Dsug Humanities: From deconstruction to digitization Campus CommunityMongan Center: Collection behind the collectionsShawn HillSpecial to the GazetteOctober 19, 20009 min readThere s considerably more [url=]ugg[/url] than meets the eye at the Fogg Art Museum.Long an invaluable resource not just for Harvard, or even regionally, but on a national scale, the Fogg is a treasure trove of art selected by decades of curators, works that form part of the canon of [url=]stanley us[/url] art historical teaching internationally. The impressive scope of the riches held by the museum is not always apparent to the casual visitor 鈥?the museum possesses many more works than can be displayed at any one time, in an astounding variety of media. Some of these are part of long-held collection [url=]chanclas yeezy originales[/url] s, others are recent acquisitions by the ever-active curatorial staff.And some pieces are not owned by Harvard at all, but are stored here at the request of the owners wishing to preserve their works in archival conditions, attended by a caring, knowledgeable staff. One window onto this vast collection Dxoq Probing how the past behaved It was hot at Donald Trump s La [url=]adidas campus[/url] s Vegas rally. So much so, the former president remarked on how the heat was affecting him not so much his supporters and railed against his malfunctioning teleprompters, threatening not to pay the contractor who set them up. It s 110 [degrees], but it doesn t feel it to me ... If anybody goes down, we have people, they ll pick you up right away. They ll throw water... Everybody was so worried yesterday about you, and they never mentioned me, Trump said, although it was just shy of 100 degrees a [url=]botella stanley[/url] t the Las Vegas airport near the venue at the time he spoke. I m up here sweating like a dog. Secret Service said, We gotta keep everybody [url=]stanley cups[/url] safe. They don t think about me. I m working my ass off. I m working hard. This is hard work. Trump also went on multiple tangents about his teleprompters not working. I ve got no teleprompters, and I haven t from the beginning, he
  • CharlesteKaw  | 16.07.2024 11:38  | Reagovat
    Iump Roommate of Idaho Victims Saw Killer Before He Escaped This post contains spoilers for this week s episode of The Curse, which is now streaming on Paramount+ with Showtime. It s a Good Day opens with two potential buyers prepping for an on-camera tour of one of Whitney s passive homes. As is standard for The Curse, things are getting uncomfortable immediately, on both an emotional level and a physical one. The Seigels have decided 鈥?well, Whitney has decided, and Asher has gone along, because that [url=]stanley shop[/url] is their power dynamic 鈥?that all buyers have to sign a letter in support of the Pueblo nation. Ash [url=]asics gel[/url] er is able to mostly allay the couple s concerns on this front, but there s a bigger issue that won t go away: The husband, Dennis, will not swap sweating. Whitney brags that the house is like a thermos, but in this case it s a thermos that keeps your lemonade unusually warm, and Dennis can t handle a constant temperature of 78 degrees in the su [url=]stanley us[/url] mmer.Talk of the couple installing an air conditioner 鈥?Mbym Conservatives Are Now Freaking Out About [Spins Wheel] a Lesbian in Scooby Doo Last week's riot at University of California Berkeley has raised some big questions about the future of the free speech movement. A divided campus & x2013; which o [url=]adidas sambarose[/url] nce incubated the ideals of the 1960s & x2013; was sent into lockdown as it struggled to balance inclusive values with its legacy of fighting for the right to voice yo [url=]adidas campus femme[/url] [url=]nbbalance[/url] ur opinion, however ugly it may be.When the Berkeley College Republicans invited inflammatory Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos to speak on campus, over 100 faculty members signed letters of protest, urging the administration to cancel his visit, while an op-ed by veterans of the free-speech movement defended his right to speak. The university decided that the Berkeley College Republicans, a separate legal entity from the school itself, had the right to host Yiannopoulos & x2013; but many in the community didn't agree with that decision, pointing to other schools that have successfully prevented his appearances.The night Yiannopoulos arrived o

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